Add your brand

NewHub SaaS allows you to customize the brand and interface of the application by uploading custom images for the background, logo, and favicon. These customization options enable you to create a unique and branded experience for your users. The following customization options are available:

  1. Background Image: You can upload a custom background image to personalize the appearance of NewHub SaaS. The allowed file formats for the background image are *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, and *.gif, with a maximum file size of 3.1 MB. The background image can be used to add visual elements that align with your organization's branding or to create a visually appealing backdrop for the application.

  2. Logo: You can upload a custom logo image that will be displayed in the header of NewHub SaaS. The logo image can be used to prominently display your organization's branding and create a consistent look and feel throughout the application. The allowed file formats for the logo image are *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, and *.gif, with a maximum file size of 3.1 MB.

  3. Favicon: You can upload a custom favicon, which is the small icon that is displayed in the browser's address bar or tab. The favicon is a visual representation of your organization's brand and can enhance the overall branding of NewHub SaaS. The allowed file format for the favicon is *.ico, with a maximum file size of 3.1 MB.

When uploading custom images for the background, logo, and favicon in NewHub SaaS, it's important to ensure that the images comply with the allowed file formats and file size limits. Additionally, it's recommended to use high-quality images that are visually appealing and represent your organization's brand effectively.

To customize the brand and interface in NewHub SaaS, access the configuration area (available to users with the TenantAdmin role) and navigate to the appropriate settings for the background image, logo, and favicon. From there, you can upload the desired images and apply the changes to create a branded experience for your users in NewHub SaaS.

Last updated