Customize with themes

NewHub SaaS offers various customization options that allow you to personalize your environment according to your preferences. These options include:

  1. Theme Mode: NewHub SaaS offers two theme modes - Light and Dark. You can choose between these modes to customize the overall appearance of the application. If you prefer a brighter interface, you can select the Light mode. If you prefer a darker interface, you can choose the Dark mode. This customization option allows you to adapt the visual appearance of NewHub SaaS to your preferred theme.

  2. Main Color: You can also customize the main color of NewHub SaaS to match your branding or personal style. By selecting a custom main color, you can change the color scheme of the application's interface to align with your organization's branding or your personal preferences. This customization option allows you to create a more cohesive and personalized experience within NewHub SaaS.

  3. Content Direction: NewHub SaaS supports both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) content directions. You can choose the content direction that is suitable for your language and reading preferences. By selecting the appropriate content direction, you can ensure that the text and interface elements within NewHub SaaS are aligned and displayed correctly, providing an optimal user experience.

To customize your environment in NewHub SaaS, simply access the configuration area (accessible to users with the TenantAdmin role) and navigate to the appropriate settings for theme mode, main color, and content direction. From there, you can make the desired selections and apply the changes to personalize your NewHub SaaS environment according to your preferences.

Please note that these customization options are available to users with the necessary permissions, and any changes made will affect the appearance and behavior of NewHub SaaS for all users within your organization. It's recommended to thoroughly review and test any customization changes to ensure they align with your requirements and preferences.

Last updated